What is a Concussion?
A concussion is a traumatic brain injury that is caused by a blow or jolt to the head, resulting in a change in brain condition. If left untreated, a concussion can result in serious, sometimes prolonged symptoms. That’s why it’s important to seek treatment from professionals trained in concussion assessment and management. At Rochester Regional Health’s Concussion Program, we ensure just that. Our physicians are experts who specialize in concussion care.
Concussion Symptoms
At Rochester Regional Health’s Concussion Program, our multidisciplinary team of concussion specialists are experienced in recognizing the symptoms of concussion—and identifying proper treatments—quickly and effectively. The most common symptoms of a concussion include:
- Balance problems or dizziness
- Confusion or difficulty concentrating
- Feeling “in a fog”
- Headache, nausea, or vomiting
- Increased irritability
- Loss of consciousness
- Neck pain
- Personality changes
- Repeating the same words or phrase
- Seizure activity
- Significant drowsiness
- Sudden memory problems
- Unusual sensitivity to light or noise
- Vision changes
Symptoms of a concussion may occur right away, but some may not start for weeks or even months after the injury. Symptoms may last less than a day or may linger for months, or longer.
Diagnosing a Concussion
Early evaluation for a concussion can help you recover quickly and more completely and prevent long-term health problems. Our concussion team will be here with you every step of the way from evaluation to treatment.Depending on your symptoms, your concussion evaluation may include:
- Physical exam
- Balance and coordination assessment
- Imaging tests, such as a CT scan or MRI
- Neurocognitive testing – hearing, vision, reflexes
- Neuropsychological evaluation – reading, speech, memory, attention/concentration, reasoning
Concussion Rehabilitation and Treatment
Based on your symptoms and evaluation, our physicians will develop a customized care plan, which may include:
- Activity modifications (a return-to-work, return-to-play, or return-to-learn protocol)
- Communication with work, school, or coaches
- Concussion education
- Concussion prevention
- Multiple concussion management
- Pharmacological treatment
- Physical, occupational, speech therapy
- Referral to other Rochester Regional Health specialists
- Vestibular (balance) therapy
- Follow-up appointments
Most concussion patients recover quickly with the proper care, but it is critical to follow your customized care plan carefully. Returning to activities too soon, before the brain recovers, may cause a repeat concussion, which increases the risk for a more severe permanent brain injury.